
Monday Nov 18, 2019
“A Lasting Legacy”, Stefan Wolmarans, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Reading, tvcoc, Thames Valley churches of Christ, ICOC, Tim Dannatt, Malcolm Cox, ICCM, Lower Earley, Wokingham, Southampton, Beaconsfield, Oxford, Banbury, Deepcut, Frimley, Sunday School, Youth Ministry, Bracknell, Shevvy Dannatt, Churches of Christ, Christian churches near me, International church, churches close to me, Thames Valley, Thames Valley location, Thames Valley church of Christ, the Thames Valley,

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
“Remembrance Sunday”, Wale Adigun, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019

Saturday Nov 16, 2019
“The Local Community”, Heinrich and Bianca Koorts
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday Nov 16, 2019
Saturday morning breakfasts together at a local cafe
From there, having met some neighbours and built a friendship they moved the breakfasts into one another’s homes
Both couples saw it as an answer to prayer
Another couple moved in recently
Went round with a bottle of wine to congratulate them on the birth of their baby
Now spent many times together and enjoying a good friendship

Saturday Nov 09, 2019
"Building Well Class 2", Havengas, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Saturday Nov 09, 2019
Saturday Nov 09, 2019

Monday Nov 04, 2019
"Building Well", Havengas, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
“One Worthy Walk”, Jack Legon, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
One Heart
- Eph 4.1-3
Worthy? Live up to what given.
Priority is unity as a body in Christ.
Humble, gentle, patient, bear in love, keep unity of the Spirit
Which is easiest?
Which is hardest?
What gets in the way of offering these godly qualities to other members of the body?
One Body
Eph 4.4-6
So many things unite us
One: Body; Spirit; Hope; Lord; Faith; Baptism; God and Father
We live in a divided time. Don’t underestimate how the social climate might effect your own treatment of people different from you.
Focus on what unites us, rather than what is different.
Celebrate difference/diversity without overemphasising differences.
One Goal
Eph 4.11-16
Our different gifts and talents are to bless the entire body
Congregational maturity needed, and progressed by everyone playing their part.
Speak the truth in love, v15
Each part does its work, v16

Sunday Nov 03, 2019
"The power of perspective", Marlon Oliver, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019

Sunday Oct 27, 2019
“They Spoke So Effectively”, Acts 14.1, Class 3: “How to speak”
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
“They Spoke So Effectively”
Acts 14.1
Class 3: “How to speak”
Delivery; dealing with nerves; use of A/V; voice; style
- QUESTION: “What are the most challenging aspects of presentation?”
- Personal
- Nerves
- Exodus 4.10-12
- “I’m e…………” instead of, “I’m frightened”
- God is with you: Acts 18.9-10
- Unworthiness: Isaiah 6.5-9
- Practical
- Voice
- Notes
- Impact
- Personal sharing
- Audiovisual
- Titles
- Practicals
- God-focus
- Develop a plan for one personal issue
- Develop a plan for one practical issue to be improved at the next time you speak
- Send me questions/suggestions
Resources: Tuesday Teaching Tips

Monday Oct 21, 2019
“They Spoke So Effectively”, Class 2: “What to speak about”
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
“They Spoke So Effectively”
Acts 14.1
Class 2: “What to speak about”
How to pick a passage/topic; text or topic; lesson planning tips.
- QUESTION: “How do we know what to speak about?”
- Intersection of:
- C………………
- C………………
1. Text
- Different types:
- Word
- Verse
- Passage
- Narrative
- Exegesis / Eisegesis
- What …….it mean?
- What …….it mean?
- Exegesis / Eisegesis
2. Topic
- Biographical
- Doctrinal
Lesson planning tips
- Templates
- Question: “Why is it important to prepare well in advance?”
- P…… it
- L…… it
- Next week: “How to speak” - delivery; dealing with nerves; use of A/V; voice; style.
- Homework for next time:
- Use one of the templates or make up your own to prepare a welcome, hope talk, communion or lesson. Bring it next time to share.
- Send me questions/suggestions (malcolm@malcolmcox.org)
Resources: Tuesday Teaching Tips

Monday Oct 21, 2019
"Grace and Truth", Brian Miller, Thames Valley churches of Christ
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Reading, tvcoc, Thames Valley churches of Christ, ICOC, Tim Dannatt, Malcolm Cox, ICCM, Lower Earley, Wokingham, Southampton, Beaconsfield, Oxford, Banbury, Deepcut, Frimley, Sunday School, Youth Ministry, Bracknell, Shevvy Dannatt, Churches of Christ, Christian churches near me, International church, churches close to me, Thames Valley, Thames Valley location, Thames Valley church of Christ, the Thames Valley,