
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
“How to be an Antioch church”, Acts 11.19-30
Introduction, vv19-21
Third largest city in Roman Empire at the time (after Rome and Alexandria). Pop around 500,000.
Centre for admin of Syria.
Famous for lax morals
At centre of events from here to Acts 14.28.
Cosmopolitan city: many Jews and Gentiles.
1. sPeak words of encouragement, vv22-24
Gentiles already converted, but individuals (Ethiopian; Cornelius). What’s new is the scale of Gentile conversions.
A. Observe/listen what God is doing
Barnabas had the spiritual insight to recognise that God’s plan was being fulfilled at Antioch.
B. Speak words of encouragement
If we cannot speak words of encouragement recognising, noticing what God is doing in each other's lives, it means we don't know each other well enough yet.
C. God brings increase trust/faith
Making disciples
The effect of Barnabas’ encouragement was to pour petrol on the fires of their faith and zeal.
2. Partner with a friend, vv25-26
2 x 2 was the method of Jesus
“To look” - Word implies it was hard.
A. Find a partner not a problem
When task overwhelming
When lonely
Take initiative, not wait for someone else
B. Someone different from you
Realisation that one reason I do not do this is because I now know people's problems!
C. Active in service together
Making/maturing disciples together.
Creates unity
3. Provide practical help vv27-30
Successive poor harvests in various parts of the Roman Empire at this time.
Claudius, 41-54 AD
The famine was not just in Judea, but could effect the Antiochean disciples too. Their heart is to help others not to worry about their own vulnerability.
The Antiochan disciples take up money in faith that the prophecy will be fulfilled and send the money in advance of the famine so that the Judean disciples can buy up food in advance.
That is a significant step of faith and trust (especially since the prophet had come from Jerusalem in the first place).
A. Listen to needs
Emotional; spiritual; material
B. Respond
C. Sacrifice
Life living like this
Church like this
Impact on neighbourhood
sPeak words of encouragement
Partner in the Gospel
Provide practical help
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Thanks again for listening. Have a super day.
God bless,

Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Unveiling of God’s plan: Eph 1.7-10
All Things Together: Col 1.17-20
All Things Together In Jesus: Jn 1.3; Col 1.20
This World is Not My Home? Jn 18.36; Matt 6.10
Give to Caesar… Matt 22.21 / 1 Maccabees 2.68
Adam and Eve: Eden as Temple – stewards of Creation
Israel: Love the LORD your God / Love your neighbour
Ekklesia: Ministry of Reconciliation
NTW: Reflect God onto the world / Reflect praise back to God
Transformation through love
Two letters – Pliny and Paul
Pliny: repentance and forgiveness
Paul: Onesimus the runaway slave has become a Christian
Paul does not look to build a bridge but be the bridge between Philemon and Onesimus
Pliny: reset equilibrium
Paul: showing Philemon how he can participate in the transformation - the reconciling of all things in Christ
Transformation – slave and master become brothers through the cross – all things together in Christ
Love and unity in Jesus
Roman/Greek society based on social hierarchy
Slave – Caesar
Agape feast – adoption of gentile/pagan practice of joint meal
Corinthians maintained social hierarchy in celebrating agape feast
The church in Corinth is not allowing itself to be transformed
Not putting welcome and fellowship into practice
Embarrassed by Paul’s imprisonment and bluntness?
Renewed Mind: Rom 12.2
Jesus the King: Rev 1.5,6. He is king whether it looks like it or not.
The Corinthians are embarrassed by Paul
They have requested a letter of recommendation
It may not look like it but Paul’s ministry is glorious
Paul echoes the Exodus, Jeremiah and Ezekiel to prove this
The Law on tablets of stone
Now through the Spirit the Law is written on the hearts of Christians
After the rebellion of the golden calf YHWH dwells with the people but outside the camp
Now God dwells in the heart of every disciple
2 Corinthians 3:18
The Corinthians must recognise the kingdom and allow themselves to be transformed and become a living letter of recommendation to the world
The Temple was where Heaven and Earth came together
They now come together in the body of Jesus
Jesus has reconciled us to God and shown us a new way of being human
Christians must be reconciled to one another so that we can prove this new way to the world

Monday Apr 22, 2019
"Easter Sunday" sermon, Ben Dannatt at the Bristol church
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019

Monday Apr 22, 2019
The Thames Valley Week ahead: 22 April 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019
Monday Apr 22, 2019

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019

Monday Apr 15, 2019
"Why are we here?", Obi Abuchi - 14 April 2019, Surrey Heath & Borders
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Reading, tvcoc, Thames Valley churches of Christ, ICOC, Tim Dannatt, Malcolm Cox, ICCM, Lower Earley, Southampton, Winchester, High Wycombe, Oxford, Banbury, Deepcut, Frimley, Basingstoke, Salisbury, Amesbury, Sunday School, Reading University, Youth Ministry, Bracknell, Bracknell Leisure Centre, Shevvy Dannatt, Mark Abril, Rachel Abril, Churches of Christ, Christian churches near me, tv coc, International church, churches close to me, Thames Valley, Thames Valley location, Thames Valley church of Christ, the Thames Valley,

Monday Apr 15, 2019
The Thames Valley Week ahead: 15 April 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Is 30.18
Rom 8.38-39
God is eager to offer grace
Jn 3.14, 16
“Eternal life”
God determined not to lose anyone
God’s main tool for helping us to get from receiving grace and achieving salvation
Man speaking to God
Active stopping, listening, confession, asking
Matt 6.7-8
God will hear you
God already knows what you need
Grace (GOD); Jesus (SALVATION); Spirit (PRAYER)
A simple call to pray
Almighty God
Father, LORD, The Creator of the universe
Bread - the stuff we need to live this day
Daily - living one day at a time
Debt - everything that needs to be paid back
Forgiving others is the harder part
Especially because emotions are involved
Leave the sins of others behind
We have freedom of choice; important to utilize that with responsibility
Need protection from the power of Satan
The power is God’s
Confident in surrendering
Being dependent on God is

Saturday Apr 13, 2019
Saturday Apr 13, 2019

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
"Three Big Questions" (3BQs) Class Series
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV11)